Return Policy

All claims and returns for goods must be made within 7 calendar days from the received date. We accept no returns without our prior written authorization. Company makes no warranties or guarantees and are not liable for any defects in or damages resulting from the use of these goods.

  • If original vendor packaging has been opened it must be returned in sellable condition
  • Returns will not be accepted if merchandise appears to be worn or washed or altered in anyway.
  • Stains and holes which can be inflicted while in buyer’s possession will not be accepted for any claims after the 7 day return/claim allowance period.
  • Return labels will only be issued if vendor shipped out the wrong style, color, or at fault acknowledged by the vendor. Fit issues or color issues are not subject to a return label unless acknowledged by the vendor.
  • We do not accept incomplete pre-packs of any kind.
  • ETA for pre-orders and back orders are only estimated dates and are not a guaranteed date of shipping. We will only accept returns if buyer made prior written request before 48 hours of shipping the merchandise.

Refunds will not be issued for any damages, returns or claims of any kind. We only issue store credit. The only exception will be if the vendor shipped out the wrong style, color or shipped past the buyer’s written requested cancel date.
Any returns made in violation of the vendors return policy will be subject to a 20% restocking fee or rejection of the returned merchandise.
Any returns made without prior written authorization or overdue returns will be subject to a 20% restocking fee or rejection of the returned merchandise.
To file a claim, please email